

Different origins such as Namibia/South Africa, China, Brazil, Scotland, USA... Can be processed in fillets skinon/skinless or in tails.
All sizes, IQF or IWP, packed in bulk or in bag


Can be processed whole gutted, IQF, packed in bulk
All sizes – caught in the north east atlantic ocean

Jackopeaver / Scorpionfish fillets

Caught in the south east ocean. Presentation : skin on.
All sizes, IQF, packed in bulk or bag


France or Holland origin. Presentation : whole gutted.
Scientific name : Solea solea.
All sizes, IQF, packed in bulk

John dory fillets

Senegal or China origin. Presentation : skin on.
All sizes, IQF, packed in bulk or in bag

Seacatch seabass

Origin France
Scientific name : Dicentrarchus labrax
Can be processed as whole round or in fillets skin on, IQF, packed in bulk


Turkey origin
Small fresh water fish to fry, IQF, packed in bag

Jackopeaver / Scorpionfish

Caught in the middle east atlantic ocean. Presentation : whole round.
All sizes, IQF, packed in bulk


Holland origin. Presentation : whole gutted.
Scientific name : Limanda limanda.
All sizes, IQF, packed in bulk

Seacatch seabream

Origin France
Scientific name : Spondyliosoma cantharus
Can be processed as whole gutted or fillets skin on, IQF packed in bulk

Brotula fillets

Caught in the middle east atlantic ocean. Presentation : skinless, "married or single fillets".
All sizes, IWP, packed in bag, in box or in bulk

Tropical sole fillets

Caught in the middle east atlantic ocean. Presentation : skinless, "married or single fillet".
Sizes 60/90 or 90/120 grs, IWP, packed in bulk, bag or box

John dory

Senegal or China origin. Presentation : whole gutted or not.
All sizes, IQF, packed in bulk

Mediterranean fish for soup

Frozen in 2 kgs tray


Presentation : whole round, IQF, bulk

Natural cod

Caught in the north east (Gadus morhua) o pacific ocean (Gadus macrocephalus). Can be processed in filets skin on/skin less, in loins or in portions skin on/skin less.
All sizes, IQF, packed in bulk or bag


can be processed as whole gutted, IQF, packed in bulk
All sizes, caught in the north east atlantic ocean


Origin : Namibia/South Africa, Argentina. Can be processed in fillet or loins skinon/skinless or HG.
All sizes, IQF or IWP, packed in bulk or in bag


France, Spain/Portugal or USA origin. Can be processed in wings skinless or in fillets.
All sizes, IQF, packed in bulk

Lightsalted cod fillets

Spain/Portugal or Iceland origin. Presentation : skin on.
All sizes, IQF, packed in bulk

Lightsalted cod portions

Spain/Portugal or Iceland origin. Presentation : skin on.
All sizes, IQF, packed in bulk or in bag

Lightsalted cod loins

Spain/Portugal or Iceland origin. Presentation : skin on.
All sizes, IQF, packed in bulk, in bag or in box

Red mullet

Senegal, Morroco or Thailand origin, can be processed as whole round or in fillets skin on descaled.
All sizes, IQF, packed in bulk, in bag or box

Tropical sole

Caught in the middle east atlantic ocean. Presentation : whole skinless (PAC).
Sizes 175/225 or 225/275 grs, IWP, packed in bulk or in bag